Our History
Project Ignition was established in 2012 with the bold ambition of supporting young people to reach their greatest potential and ultimately to thrive. our work has evolved from our involvement with youth through The Learners Network (TLN) from 2002 to 2012 where we supported young people initially to exercise leadership in their own lives and in their communities around the issue of HIV and AIDS. Over time, given the interconnectedness of the issue of HIV with gender based violence, teenage pregnancy, poverty, and drugs, the organisation was called upon to expand its mission to integrate a more holistic perspective of youth activism into its work.
The decision to rebirth the organisation as Project Ignition was built on the premise that unless we equip young people to become activists in their own lives, they will be unable to sustain their activism in their communities.
So began our journey in 2012 with about 20 young people completing our intensive leadership for life journey. We integrated the lessons learnt in 2012 and fine-tuned our methodology and tools, allowing us to reach a further 50 young people in 2013.
With more than 16 years experience in youth development and youth activism, we know that unless young people are taught to become impactful in their OWN life, they will be unable to lead change in their community, let alone the country.
To achieve create a thriving society and country, we therefore work on transforming young people’s lives by providing them with important capabilities such as emotional social, financial so that they can lead lives that are smart, healthy and happy with greater engagement in learning, work and life.
Each year, we have expanded our reach and refined our strategy to ensure that we support young people with the critical social and emotional competencies needed for them to live impactful and happier lives.
The decision to rebirth the organisation as Project Ignition was built on the premise that unless we equip young people to become activists in their own lives, they will be unable to sustain their activism in their communities.
So began our journey in 2012 with about 20 young people completing our intensive leadership for life journey. We integrated the lessons learnt in 2012 and fine-tuned our methodology and tools, allowing us to reach a further 50 young people in 2013.
With more than 16 years experience in youth development and youth activism, we know that unless young people are taught to become impactful in their OWN life, they will be unable to lead change in their community, let alone the country.
To achieve create a thriving society and country, we therefore work on transforming young people’s lives by providing them with important capabilities such as emotional social, financial so that they can lead lives that are smart, healthy and happy with greater engagement in learning, work and life.
Each year, we have expanded our reach and refined our strategy to ensure that we support young people with the critical social and emotional competencies needed for them to live impactful and happier lives.
The Challenge
In South Africa, the impact of a diverse set of socio-economic conditions increase the range of challenges that young people have to grapple with. Despite its best intentions, the current education system (basic and further) has not adequately supported young people with the capabilities of resilience in order for them to thrive in society.
Ultimately, young people are struggling with the high levels of anxiety, self-consciousness, uncertainty, doubt, fear and dissatisfaction with themselves. This is compounded by an estimated 7 out of 10 youth that struggle with low self-esteem. Youth across a wide range of demographics have indicated that low self-esteem increases their likelihood of engaging in risky behaviours (such as alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex) as well as avoiding new challenges or risk due to fear of failure or rejection.
In addition, poverty and its related ills add to the complexities of what young people have to contend with to get ahead or even just survive.
Ultimately, young people are struggling with the high levels of anxiety, self-consciousness, uncertainty, doubt, fear and dissatisfaction with themselves. This is compounded by an estimated 7 out of 10 youth that struggle with low self-esteem. Youth across a wide range of demographics have indicated that low self-esteem increases their likelihood of engaging in risky behaviours (such as alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex) as well as avoiding new challenges or risk due to fear of failure or rejection.
In addition, poverty and its related ills add to the complexities of what young people have to contend with to get ahead or even just survive.
Our Response
Project Ignition’s contribution to supporting this generation of youth is to invest in their social, emotional and economic development. Our view is that if we provide support to young people in navigating their world, we can in some way help them to become productive, responsible and contributing members of society.
Not only do we work with young people, we also support and equip parents, educators and youth organisations with skills and tools to create an enabling environment for young people.
Not only do we work with young people, we also support and equip parents, educators and youth organisations with skills and tools to create an enabling environment for young people.
Our Approach
Belief that every single young person can learn the tools, skills and competencies needed to learn emotional and social intelligence and resilience; that social, economic or any other social inequalities do not define who can and will succeed in life. This would probably account for our obsession in growing our work and expanding our reach and impact.
Our Vision
Our vision is a society where children and young people thrive.
Our Mission
We transform young people’s lives by providing vital social and emotional learning programmes needed to navigate 21st century challenges so they may lead smart, healthy, happier lives with greater engagement in learning, work and life.
We have identified 3 pathways to achieving the change we envision:
1. Creating spaces for young people to develop resilience, optimism and hope
Project Ignition utilises more than 12 years of experience with young people to deliver a curriculum that equips young people with social and emotional literacy skills, helping them increase focus, improve academic performance, reduce stress, gain emotional resilience and optimism. Our innovative processes focuses on personal transformation and leadership to enable young people to develop their own strategies for learning and living.
2. Providing cutting edge knowledge, resources, tools and processes to transform young people’s lives
Project Ignition provides support to educators, parents, schools, and organisations with content, resources, tools, including lesson plans to successfully learning programmes for young people.
3. Establishing a vibrant learning and collaborative community
Project Ignition aims to foster a dynamic community of teachers, school leaders, parents, children, young people, researchers, civic leaders, and others to exchange ideas, support one another and work together to enhance the overall wellbeing of children and adult lives.
Our Vision
Our vision is a society where children and young people thrive.
Our Mission
We transform young people’s lives by providing vital social and emotional learning programmes needed to navigate 21st century challenges so they may lead smart, healthy, happier lives with greater engagement in learning, work and life.
We have identified 3 pathways to achieving the change we envision:
1. Creating spaces for young people to develop resilience, optimism and hope
Project Ignition utilises more than 12 years of experience with young people to deliver a curriculum that equips young people with social and emotional literacy skills, helping them increase focus, improve academic performance, reduce stress, gain emotional resilience and optimism. Our innovative processes focuses on personal transformation and leadership to enable young people to develop their own strategies for learning and living.
2. Providing cutting edge knowledge, resources, tools and processes to transform young people’s lives
Project Ignition provides support to educators, parents, schools, and organisations with content, resources, tools, including lesson plans to successfully learning programmes for young people.
3. Establishing a vibrant learning and collaborative community
Project Ignition aims to foster a dynamic community of teachers, school leaders, parents, children, young people, researchers, civic leaders, and others to exchange ideas, support one another and work together to enhance the overall wellbeing of children and adult lives.