2013 Graduates
Elwyn Mabila
I just completed grade 12 at Plumstead High. I’m a free spirited being and I love rugby and Soccer. My grand passion in life is to become an architect as it involves art - which is also an important part of me. I joined PI with very little expectations. I was really just curious and I guess I wanted to improve my leadership skills. However, I was blown away by the experience that really changed how I see myself and how I live my life. I have learnt to stand up for myself - even to myself. I have developed the ability to open myself to vulnerability and to make my choices consciously. In other words to know the impact I have, but that the choices are in my better interest - not to please others.
Benjamin Kabengele
I attend school at the BEST Level Education Centre. I live in Wynberg - and I enjoy drumming, photography and soccer. I love doing street photography as it gives me some insight into people and I find that people trust me enough to take their pictures.
I became an Ignitee because my school recommended that I attend. When I started I did not know anything about me. I thought that there would be nothing that would help me - but I was surprised and I felt excited because it is a good project. I realised that I could open up and trust others. I faced many challenges while on the programme - the biggest one was my anger. I am learning how to work on that all the time. |
Ameer Petersen
I just completed Grade 11 and I love rugby. I currently live in Mitchell’s Plain and I my dream is to become a graphic designer. I love drawing and it is the one way that I truly express myself. I came to PI because I wanted to learn leadership skill s and because I was curious to see what takes place in a youth development project. When I started, I was very shy and I have to admit that I asked myself what I was doing here. My favourite part was the networking evening. I found it very valuable to be able to speak to different professionals - it opened me up to different possibilities and also gave me an idea of how other people see the world. I have since learnt a lot about myself. I learnt to trust others and myself. I am stronger and it has shown me that there are many things I can do for myself.
Sindile Jabe
I am a 27-year-old husband and father of one. I am passionate about community development and growing as a person. I came to PI expecting to be challenged and to learn more about myself. I thought I knew a lot - but I found out that I had not even scratched the surface. I realised that I had lived my life in fear and that I had spent a lot of time waiting for other people’s approval. I have my whole life ahead of me. I had lost hope many times and did not believe in myself - but now I do. I now know my dreams and I am going to start moving forward towards them. I know that I grew up too fast - but now I slow things down in order to assess what I need to do to be the best me possible. Its exciting and its scar y - but I am grateful that I have the opportunity to do this for myself and so that I can leave a legacy for my daughter.
Manie DavidsI just completed my first year in graphic design at college. I come from Mitchell’s Plain and I love being creative, music and also soccer. I started my journey with Project Ignition in 2012. I am the ‘sole survivor’ from that group. I think what it has made me reaslise is that I am a person that will carry on - no matter what. This is a quality that I take everywhere with me and I try to inspire. I think PI has contributed to me refining my edges. I believe I take more risks - am not afraid to do certain things. Also the PI space is a time where we can focus and be comfortable. When I leave here - I find that I am more creative and this I take with me to College where I tend to then be inspired with so many ideas. My peers to also carry on with things they started, as I believe it’s an important quality.
Msekeli MkehleI’m a fun, easy-going, down-to earth type of guy and I’m currently working for MTN SME Support Center. My passion and joy is working with and helping people, especially young people. Through the PI coaching sessions that were introduced - it helped me to focus more on my passion. I have now taken the first step towards doing what I like and not what I’m paid for. I grew up where we don’t talk about our feelings. I have move past that. I don’t live my life for others anymore - I am still that helpful guy - but I don’t do it at the cost of me. I have learnt to challenge all my limiting beliefs - and it has made me realise I can do so much more. So I know this journey has only just begun - and I am excited even though I know it will be tough.
David MjacI am 17 years old and just completed Grade 11 at Vuyiseka Secondary School in Philippi. I am humble, shy and introverted with a passion about playing keyboard. I had this weakness of always coming late. I would have excuses all the time until I faced the hurricane. I have since learnt to stop this bad habit and now I am on time. My greatest lesson was to express my feelings and emotions. When I do that people stop looking at me as a shy or fearful person and actually end up talking to me. This has been very empowering. I have learnt confidence and focus. I know that I can do more - and PI has challenged me because they have realised that I hold myself back. I am more committed than ever to do well in my life.
Luzuko Mkhalipi
I am a 26-year-old Minister in Philippi as well as a scholar studying to become an Electrical Engineer. I also run leadership and outreach programmes in my community. My passion is working with young people through training and coaching to help them become better people and ultimately making a positive impact in people’s lives. When I first arrived at PI I expected to be in a classroom environment where I was going to be filled with information and knowledge. To my surprise it was the complete opposite - I was taken on a journey of self-discovery, which challenged me and allowed me to grow. When I arrived at PI I was pregnant with an idea of making a difference in my community. Through PI, I have actually given birth to Fruitful Youths Foundation which is an initiative that supports young people in my community to live lives where they are growing and purposeful. I take away the tools, the skills and the knowledge of the past year and know that my journey is far from over.
Papi Meremi
I am a 25 year old from Orange Farm just outside of Gauteng. I have worked in the area of development with children and with men for some time. I am passionate about entertainment and development, I love Dj-ing, music connects people with themselves and others, carries memories of good times and bad times, it is the only thing that makes you dance, PI helped me to learn more about others and myself. It was not easy because I have never looked at myself before. I learnt to take responsibility and respect others when they open up. I feel that I have greater clarity now on who I am - what I want to be and how I am going to get there. I have learnt a lot and I use the tools I have gained, as I need to on this journey.
Lia Jabe
I am a 25-year old young, vibrant, fun, selfless woman, who thrives on challenges. I am passionate about body transformation through beauty and sport and also entrepreneurship. I came to Project Ignition expecting to find answers to many questions I had in my life - most of all I wanted to know my purpose and to belong somewhere. A major milestone for me was learning to love myself. I realised that I did not have to have something to say to or a solution for everyone and every situation. I have learnt to observe myself - to slow down – and be comfortable with being silent – and also to express my feelings when I need to the Lia I am now is fearless - not afraid - whole - complete and I know that I am ever changing. I also know that I have the power to create each and every circumstance in my life. I do this by accepting myself completely and being the authority in MY life.
Fuad Van De Fort
I grew up in Hanover Park on the Cape Flats and just completed Grade 11. I would describe myself as hardheaded, rebellious, shy and don’t fear anything. I am passionate about music, life and the streets of Cape Town. I learnt that I need to deal with my past first. And because of that I am fine - and I am no longer afraid to find out about the future. AS a result of the different processes and events - I feel like I can face the world. I am more confident - and I am able to relate to people around me. I am more social - but I still get nervous. I enjoyed learning about my relationship to money. I gained new insights on how to stay close to my dreams and still earn a living learnt to overcome my fears - and to just do things. I also realised that I am not a rough ride - but I am soft and chilled. I also realise the importance of having my family’s support.
FatimaI completed grade 11 this year at Islamia College. I am a casual girl who likes going out and spending time with friends and family. My passion is to travel the world and meet new people and experience life in a new way. A major milestone for me was actually letting people in. I have all these barriers to protect myself. I have learnt to love myself and to respect others’ opinions about me. I know now it is ok to be around others and to open up. In my PI journey I have learnt to speak in public, set priorities and I believe I have improved my character too. I have grown from the concrete skills and experiences I was exposed to over the year. My biggest take away is that love is a part of life. Even when I haven’t understood it, I have allowed others to love me and I have learnt to love myself more. Its still not easy but I am learning.
Reenysha RameshwarnathI am 16 years old, from Plumstead High School. I love art and would like to eventually study Science and Biochemistry. I am lucky to have great parents who support me and motivate me to be anything that I want to be in life. P.I. has taught me independence. It has taught me to change my thinking - and that by changing my thinking I have the power to change myself. When I can do that - I am a leader to myself. Only then can I lead others. I have learnt to live in the now - instead of worrying about outcomes. I have also broadened my perspective to look at different angles to inform my decision-making. I believe that I am now a young woman that understands herself better - I have more confidence - I am bolder - I am spiritually aware and I have extraordinary belief in myself.
Cindy Madayi
My name is Cindy Madayi. I am a fun loving person who enjoys laughing and really just enjoying my life. My dream is to become an Investigative Journalist. This is because of my passion to help others. I feel like that if I am able to publicise one person’s story or struggle, others will relate and have a way to channel their stories and struggles. At the moment I am studying Sociology and Politics, but I really want to change and do a full course in journalism. When we were asked to do an exercise called ‘who am I’ - I didn’t know what to answer and I had to really figure that out. I had come to PI with a lot of negative thoughts towards myself. I was always angry and I believed that I was always right no matter what. I have accepted my life the way it - even with the broken pieces that I struggled to put together. I know that I need to be consistently kind to myself and communicate with myself more. I got to a place where I started forgiving myself for all the things I did to myself.
Bernice Mabila
I completed Grade 11 this year. I was born in Mpumalanga; I love music, food, and modeling. I am passionate about media and law – and it is something I could see myself doing in my life. I think when I arrived at PI I was in a bubble. I was so focused on getting public acceptance - so I would be the life of the party - so that people could like me. I talked too much to cover up whom I really was. I thought I knew myself - but I know now that I did not. In fact after this journey of exploration - I can honestly say that ‘now I know nothing’. I face the world as a new person. And I am ok with not knowing, as I will discover what I need to know. I take away the ability to motivate and lead myself - and also others because of my experience. I also completely accept who I am - I have faced my past - and I know there is so much more to learn and I am excited about it.